Events with
Paragon Natural

Welcome to our Events page, where we share exciting highlights from our recent exhibitions, showcases, and community gatherings. At Paragon Natural, we believe in connecting with our customers and community through meaningful events that showcase the beauty of our organic and natural products.


Long Beach Convention Center

Date: 18, 19 August 2024
Location: Long Beach Convention Center

We were thrilled to exhibit at the Long Beach Convention Center, where we had the opportunity to connect with beauty enthusiasts, industry experts, and fellow advocates of natural skincare. Our booth was a hub of excitement, filled with vibrant displays of our latest products, interactive demos, and exclusive giveaways.

Our team loved meeting so many of you in person and sharing the unique benefits of our organic skincare line. The event was a wonderful opportunity to showcase our commitment to sustainability, transparency, and innovation in the beauty industry.

Thank You!

A heartfelt thank you to everyone who visited our booth. Your support and interest mean the world to us. We can’t wait to see you at our next event!

Stay Tuned for Upcoming Events

We have more exciting events on the horizon! Stay connected with us to learn where we’ll be next and how you can join in on the fun. Follow us on social media and subscribe to our newsletter to be the first to know about our upcoming exhibitions, product launches, and special offers.



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